terça-feira, 27 de junho de 2017

Kalistos Ware - A Igreja Ortodoxa - Parte II: Leituras complementares (Tradução: Padre Pedro de Oliveira)

Leituras Complementares.

Obras Gerais

A. Schmemann, The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy, New York, 1963 (trata também da história mais recente da Ortodoxia).
J. M. Hussey, The Byzantine World, London, 1957.
J. M. Hussey (ed.), The Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 4, parts 1 and 2, The Bizantine Empire, Cambridge, 1966-1967.
G. Ostrogorsky, History of the Byzantine State, Oxford, 1968.
D. Obolensky, The Byzantine Commonwealth: Eastern Europe, 500-1453, London, 1971.
G. Every, The Byzantine Patriarchate, 2nd ed., London, 1962.
J. Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes, New York, 1974 (também dá uma análise geral da doutrina Ortodoxa).
J. Pelikan, The Christian Tradition, vol. 2, The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700), Chicago/London, 1974.

Bizâncio, o Grande Cisma.

Y. M.- J. Congar, After Nine Hundred Years, New York, 1959.
S. Runciman, The Eastern Schism, Oxford, 1955.
R. W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages, Pelican History of the Church, vol. 2, 1970 (ver PP- 53-90).
G. Every, Misunderstandings between East and West, London, 1965.
F. Dvornik, The Photian Schism: History and Legend, Cambridge, 1948.
J. Gill, The Council of Florence, Cambridge, 1959.
P. Sherrard, The Greek East and the Latin West, London, 1959.Church, Papacy, and Schism, London, 1978.


Saint Symeon the New Theologian, The Discourses, trans. C. J. de Catanzaro, New York, 1980.
Archbishop Basil Krivocheine, Dans la lumiére du Christ, Chevetogne, 1980 (on St. Symeon).
J. Meyendorff, A Study of Gregory Palamas, London, 1964.
St. Gregory Palamas and Orthodox Spirituality, New York, 1974.

Período Turco

The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of, Jerusalem, trans. J. N. W. B. Robertson, London, 1899 (Contém as Confessions de Cyril Lukaris e Dositheus).
S. Runciman, The Great Church in Captivity: A Study of the Patriarchate of Constantinople from the Eve of the Turkish Conquest to the Greek War of Independence, Cambridge, 1968.
G. Williams, The Orthodox Church of the East in the Eighteenth Century, being the Correspondence between the Eastern Patriarchs and the Nonjuring Bishops, London, 1868.
T. Ware, Eustratios Argenti: A Study of the Greek Church under Turkish Rule, Oxford,


N. Zernov, The Russians and their Church, London, 1945. Moscow the Third Rome, London, 1937.
W. H. Frere, Some Links in the Chain of Russian Church History, London, 1918.
G. P. Fedotov, A Treasury of Russian Spirituality, London, 1950. The Russian Religious Mind, 2 vols, Cambridge, Mass. 1946-66.
P. Kovalevsky, St. Sergius and Russian Spirituality, New York, 1976.
N. Arseniev, Russian Piety, London, 1964.
S. Bolshakoff, Russian Mystics, Kalamazoo/London, 1977
P. Pascal, Avvakum et les débuts du Raskol, Paris, 1938.
N. Gorodetzky, The Humiliated Christ in Modern Russian Thought, London, 1938. Saint Tikhon Zadonsky, London, 1951.
I. de Beausobre, Flame in the Snow, London, 1945 (on Saint Seraphim).
V. Zander, St. Seraphim of Sarov, London, 1975.
The Way of a Pilgrim, trans. R. M. French, London, 1954.
Macarius of Optino, Russian Letters of Direction 1834-1860, ed. I. de Beausobre, London, 1944.
J. B. Dunlop, Staretz Amvrosy, Belmont, Mass. 1972.
P. D. Garrett, St. Innocent Apostle to America, New York, 1979.
Spiritual Counsels of Father John of Kronstadt, ed. W. J. Grisbrooke, London, 1967.
Bishop Alexander (Semenoff-Tian-Chansky), Father John Kronstadt: A Life, London (?1978).
A. Schmemann, Ultimate Questions: An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought, New York, 1965.
N. Zernov, The Russian Religious Renaissance of the Twentieth Century, London, 1963.
J. Pain and N. Zernov, A Bulgakov Anthology, London, 1976.
A. Elchaninov, The Diary of a Russian Priest, London, 1967.
S. Hackel, Pearl of Great Price: The Life of Mother Maria Skobtsova, London, 1981.

Ortodoxia hoje.

Orthodoxy 1964:A Pan-Orthodox Symposium, editado por Zoe Brotherhood, Athens, 1964.
P. Hammond, The Waters of Marah, London, 1956 (Na Igreja grega)
M. Rinvolucri, Anatomy of a Church. Greek Orthodoxy Today, London, x966.
W. Kolarz, Religion in the Soviet Union, London, 1961.
N. Struve, Christians in Contemporary Russia, London, 1967.
M. Bourdeaux, Patriarch and Prophets. Persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church Today, London, 1969.
C. Lane, Christian Religion in the Soviet Union. A Sociological Study, London, 1978.
S. Alexander, Church and State in Yugoslavia since 1945, Cambridge, 1979.

Trabalho Missionário Ortodoxo

E. Smirnoff, Russian Orthodox Missions, London, 1903.
S. Bolshakoff, The Foreign Missions of the Russian Orthodox Church, London, 1943.

Teologia Ortodoxa

Obras gerais.
V. Lossky,
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, London, 1957 (extremamente importante).
The Vision of God, London, 1963.
In the Image and Likeness of God, New York, 1974.
Orthodox Theology: An Introduction, New York, 1978.
G. Florovsky, The Collected Works, Belmont, Mass., 1972 onwards (em progresso; vol. 5 apareceu em 1979; importante).
P. Evdokimov, L’Orthodoxie, Paris, 1959 (excelente).
A. Khomiakov, ‘The Church is One,’ in W. J. Birbeck, Russia and the English Church (pequeno mas muito valioso).
S. Bulgakov, The Orthodox Church, London, 1935.
F. Gavin, Some Aspects of Contemporary Greek Orthodox Thought, Milwaukee, 1923 (serve para ver a Teologia Ortodoxa através de exibições latinas).
P. N. Trembelas, Dogmatique de l’Église Orthodoxe Catholique, 3 vols, Chevetogne, 1966-1968.
D. Staniloae, Theology and the Church, New York, 1980.
Archbishop Paul of Finland, The Faith We Hold, New York, 1980.
Kallistos (Timothy) Ware, The Orthodox Way, London, 1979.

Teologia Bíblica.

G. Barrois, The Face of Christ in the Old Testament, New York, 1974.
Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship, New York, 1977.
V. Kesich, The Gospel Image of Christ: The Church and Modern Criticism, New York,

Natureza humana, a Igreja e a Virgem Maria.

O. Clément, Questions sun 1’homme, Paris, 1972.
P. Sherrard, Christianity and Eros, London, 1976.
E. L. Mascall (ed.), The Church of God: An Anglo-Russian Symposium, London, 1934.
The Mother of God: A Symposium, London, 1949.

Teologia dos Sacramentos.

A. Schmemann, Introduction to Liturgical Theology, London, 1966.
For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy, New York, 1973.
Of Water and the Spirit, New York, 1974.
A Monk of the Eastern Church, Orthodox Spirituality, 2nd ed. London, 1978.
Nicholas Cabasilas, The Life in Christ, traps. C. J. de Catanzaro, New York, 1974.
P. Evdokimov, Sacrement de 1’amour, Paris, 1962 (no casamento).
J. Meyendorff, Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective, New York, 1970.

Louvação Ortodoxa

Há muitas traduções da Liturgia. Entre as mais convenientes há uma edição emitida pela Irmandade de Santo Albano e São Sergio, The Orthodox Liturgy, London, 1939; e uma edição com grego e inglês em paginas opostas publicadas pela Faith Press, The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, London (sem data).

Uma grande parte de material pode ser achada em Service Book of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church, ed. I. F. Hapgood, 2nd ed., New York, 1922. Textos completos para Natal, Epifania, e sete de outras grandes festas são contidas em The Festal Menaion, trans. Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos (T. Ware), London, 1969. Para ofícios da Grande Quaresma, veja The Lenten Triodion, London, 1978, pelos mesmos tradutores; Também A. Schmemann, Great Lent, New York, 1969. Consulte também La priére des Églises de rite byzantin, ed. E. Mercenier, F. Paris, and G.
Bainbridge, 3 vols, Chevetogne, 1947-53; new ed. of vols 1 and 3, Chevetogne, 1972-1975.

Para o clássico comentário Bizantino na Liturgia, veja: Nicholas Cabasilas, A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy, trans. J. M. Hussey and P. A. NcNulty, London, 1960.

Para as preces diárias usada pelos Cristãos Ortodoxos, veja: A Manual of Eastern Orthodox Prayers, London, 1945 (editado pelo the Fellowship of St Alban and St. Sergius). Prayer Book, Jordanville, N.Y, 1960.

Na doutrina Ortodoxa de oração, veja: Igumen Chariton, The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology, trans. E. Kadloubovsky and E. M. Palmer, London, 1966. A Monk of the Eastern Church, The Prayer of Jesus, New York, 1967. The Philokalia, trans. G. E. H. Palmer, P. Sherrard, K. Ware, London, 1979 onwards (será completada em 5 volumes). Veja também a mais recente tradução de partes de The Philokalia (Russian text) by E. Kadloubovsky e G. E. H. Palmer: Writings from the Philokalia on Prayer of the Heart, London, 1951; Early Fathers from the Philokalia, London, 1954. Para uma
moderna escrita na ‘Tradição da Philokalia’ tradition, ver T. Colliander, The Way of the Ascetics, London, 1960.

Monasticismo Ortodoxo.

D. J. Chitty, The Desert a City, Oxford, 1966.
N. F. Robinson, Monasticism in the Orthodox Churches, London, 1916.
Sister Benedicta Ward (trans.), The Sayings of the Desert Fathers. The Alphabetical Collection, London, 1975.
Saint John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, intr. K. Ware, New York, 1982.

Monte Athos.

R. M. Dawkins, The Monks of Athos, London, 1936.
Cavarnos, Anchored in God, Athens, 1959.
P. Sherrard, Athos The Holy Mountain, London, 1982.
E. Amand de Mendieta, Mount Athos: The Garden of the Panaghia, Berlin, 1972.


L. Ouspensky and V. Lossky, The Meaning of Icons, Olten, 1952.
L. Ouspensky, Theology of the Icon, New York, 1978.
G. Mathew, Byzantine Aesthetics, London, 1963.
B. Mango, The Art of the Byzantine Empire, New Jersey, 1972.
S. Runciman, Byzantine Style and Civilization, London, 1975.


N. Afanassieff and others, The Primacy of Peter, London, 1963.
J. Meyendorff, Orthodoxy and Catholicity, New York, 1966.
Archbishop Methodios Fouyas, Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Anglicanism, London, 1972.
W. Palmer, Notes of a Visit to the Russian Church in the Years 1840, 1841, ed. Cardinal Newman, London, 1882.
W. J. Birkbeck, Russia and the English Church, London, 1895.
J. A. Douglas, The Relations of the Anglican Churches with the Eastern-Orthodox, London, 1921.
H. A. Hodges, Anglicanism and Orthodoxy, London, 1955
H. M. Waddams (ed.), Anglo-Russian Theological Conference, Moscow, July x956, London, 1958.
V. T. Istavridis, Orthodoxy and Anglicanism, London, 1966.
K. Ware and C. Davey (ed.), Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue: The Moscow Statement, London, 1977.
R. Rouse and S. C. Neill, A History of the Ecumenical Movement, 2nd ed., London, 1967.

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